I’m Married to a Social Butterfly

“I wish my husband wanted to go out more,”  some women complain.  That’s not my problem. I’m married to a social butterfly.

Dave chatting over the patio railing with our next door neighbours

Dave chatting over the patio railing with our next door neighbours

We arrived at our vacation home in Arizona three days ago. Within twenty four hours my husband had introduced himself to several sets of neighbours and he’d had nice long chats with them.  He’d also driven over to the home of a fellow ball player from the summer slow pitch league he’s part of in Manitoba. After a few minutes of conversation he had joined a Phoenix team and picked up a uniform so he can play ball in Arizona for the next couple months. 

First golf game with our friends Rudy and Sue

First golf game with our friends Rudy and Sue

On our second vacation day he’d arranged a dinner date with friends from Steinbach who are also wintering here, and had booked a tee time for an afternoon golf game with another Manitoba couple we know. 

He’s already been on two long bike rides, visited the driving range, we’ve gone to a movie and today we’re checking out some local coffee shops for breakfast and then it’s off to a Toronto Raptors game. Somewhere in there he will squeeze in time to finish the New York Times crossword puzzle which he does every Sunday without fail. 

We are here to rest and relax but when you are married to a social butterfly that can be tough.  Sometimes I long for a lazy, do nothing kind of day but I’m resigned to the fact that it probably won’t happen.  On the other hand life is never dull when you are married to a social butterfly. You can bank on the fact that each day is going to be interesting and active. 

Posts about activies on previous Arizona visits……..

Arizona Golf Reunion

Climbing Pinnacle Peak

A Kitchy Museum

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