Tag Archives: coffee maker

What’s A Chorreador?


Do you know what a chorreador is?  It’s a Costa Rican coffee maker. We saw one in action as part of a tour about traditional Costa Rican foods.

The chorreador is a wooden stand with a little cotton bag called a bolsita tucked into a hole in the top. You put coffee grounds into the bolsita and pour boiling water into it which soaks through the grounds and drips into your coffee cup or pot sitting on the stand beneath it.

My brother in law Paul and sister in law Shirley enjoy coffee  made in a chorreador

My brother in law Paul and sister in law Shirley enjoy coffee made in a chorreador

The name chorreador comes from the Spanish word chorrear which means to drip or trickle or run. Chorreadors can be very basic and simple but they can also be beautifully carved and decorated from fine wood.


The coffee was ground with these wooden mortar and pestles as was rice and corn. 


We got to sample a corn biscuit and a coconut rice sweet bun 


which had been baked in a traditional adobe clay oven. 

sugar cane grinder

We also watched a sugar cane grinder at work


The walking ox turned the grinder round and round to make sugar cane juice


Which was sweet and delicious

sugar cane candy maker

This device was used to make sugar cane candy. Nuts were picked and one nut put in each hole and then sugar cane juice poured in.  When it hardened around the nut it made a sweet candy. 


But the piesta resistance of the tour was this hot smoked cheese wrapped in warm tortillas 

smoking cheese

The cheese was put in a wooden cage about a wood stove and as it was heated it developed this delicious smoky crust. It was sooooo good!

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