Tag Archives: ron mueck

A Giant Baby and A Tiny Woman

I have been thinking a lot about the cycle of life recently because my uncle just passed away and a new baby has been welcomed into my extended family.

In 2015 I took photos of an exhibit at the Winnipeg Art Gallery that depicted the cycle of life in an incredibly graphic way.

It had two main pieces and was created by an Australian-born, London-based artist named Ron Mueck.

The first piece was an enormous sculpture called The Girl

The little girl had just been born and her umbilical cord was still attached. Blood remained on her wrinkled and folded skin. 

You could see the glisten of saliva on the baby’s lips, the wet mucus in her nose, and her tiny eyelashes. 

You needed to walk slowly all around the figure and think about it. Mueck said that while he spends lots of time making the outer surface of his sculptures of human beings it is really the life inside them he is trying to capture. 

It reminded me how after our older son was born my husband walked around the delivery room carrying him and talking to him. “I wonder what he is thinking,” he said to me. Mueck’s sculpture has that quizzical thinking look about it. 

Mueck has created other life-size sculptures of babies. He made the first after the birth of his child. Mueck reflects on the strangeness and assertiveness of infants and the way a new baby tends to totally dominate our lives. 

Mueck’s Old Woman in Bed was on display just a few steps away from The Girl.  

This art piece shows a dying, vulnerable woman in her hospital bed. She was as tiny as Mueck’s baby was big. 

Artist Ron Mueck made the Old Woman in Bed after visiting his wife’s beloved grandmother in the hospital. 

The woman is curled in a fetal position, and her wrinkled skin, so like the wrinkled skin of the baby, links her clearly with the newborn girl nearby.  

The exhibit juxtapositioned the beginning and end of a woman’s life beautifully and in such a moving and compassionate way.

Other posts……………

A Dream Day At Work

The Pandemic Story Behind a 105 Year Old Photo

Books About Death For Children

The Circle of Life

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Filed under Art, Family

The Beginning and End of Life

ron mueck girlJaws drop, eyes widen, and voices exclaim when I take kids into the room at the Winnipeg Art Gallery where Australian born, London-based artist Ron Mueck’s enormous sculpture The Girl is on display. umbilical cord ron mueck's the girlThe little girl has just been born and her umbilical cord is still attached. Blood remains on her wrinkled and folded skin. ron mueck's the girl faceYou can see the glisten of saliva on the baby’s lips, the wet of mucus in her nose and her tiny eyelashes. ron mueck the girlYou need to walk slowly all around the figure and think about it. Mueck says that while he spends lots of time making the outer surface of his giant human beings it is really the life inside them he is trying to capture. ron mueck the girlAfter our older son was born my husband walked around the delivery room carrying him and talking to him. “I wonder what he is thinking,” he said to me. Mueck’s sculpture has that quizzical thinking look about it. mueck the girlMueck has created other life-size sculptures of babies. He made the first after the birth of his child. Mueck reflects on the strangeness and assertiveness of infants and the way a new baby tends to totally dominate our lives. old woman in bed mueckMueck’s Old Woman in Bed is on display just a few steps away from The Girl.  This art piece shows a dying, vulnerable woman in her hospital bed. She is as tiny as Mueck’s baby is big. old woman in bedOne high school girl in a group I toured through the exhibit had tears in her eyes. “My grandfather just died,” she said to me. “My mom is trying to connect with his soul.” Artist Ron Mueck made the Old Woman in Bed after visiting  his wife’s beloved grandmother in the hospital. mueck old woman in bedThe woman is curled in a fetal position, and her wrinkled skin, so like the wrinkled skin of the baby, links her clearly with the new born girl nearby.  This exhibit juxtapositions the beginning and end of a woman’s life beautifully and in such a moving and compassionate way.

The Girl and Old Woman in Bed are on loan to the Winnipeg Art Gallery from the National Gallery in Ottawa till  October 4.  They are not to be missed!

This post has been updated here

Other posts……..

Portrait or Landscape

A Quick Dip into the AGO

Landscapes for the end of time

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Filed under Art, Australia, England, Winnipeg, Winnipeg Art Gallery